Kesha took to Instagram on Sunday (January 5) to celebrate the 15th anniversary of her career-making debut album, Animal. The 37-year-old pop star also lovingly paid tribute to the ambition of the artist she was at the time. The post features a series of promotional photos and video stills from the Animal-era, as well as…… MORE
During a red carpet interview with Access Hollywood before the Golden Globes on Sunday (January 5), Ariana Grande opened up about her future music plans. The Grammy-winning musician and Wicked star is focused on her acting career at the moment, and disclosed that making new music is “not something I’m thinking about right now.” Though…… MORE
During a red carpet interview with Billboard before the Golden Globes on Sunday (January 5), Wicked director Jon M. Chu discussed his creative intentions for his forthcoming Britney Spears biopic. Chu has been tapped to direct the film about Spears’ life, which is based on the pop superstar’s bestselling memoir, The Woman In Me. “I…… MORE